- JPF program title Afghanistan Humanitarian Response Program (Emergency response phase)
- Project name Cash transfer on food for vulnerable households in remote areas of Nangarhar
- Project period 16 July 2022 – 14 April 2023
- Project purpose To provide urgent food assistance for vulnerable households in Nangarhar
Project contents
- Cash for food assistance for five (5) months targeting 515 households in Pachir Aw Agam in Nangarhar Province: coordinated with the authorities, Food Security Cluster, WFP, local communities and other stakeholders for selecting the beneficiaries and avoiding any duplication of assistance and to share the information on the project progress with them in the course of the project implementation;
- Sign an MOU with Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development with regard to the project implementation and register the project with the Ministry of Economics;
- “Tokens” for cash to be distributed to the selected and approved beneficiaries in Pachir Aw Agam district;
- COVID-19 awareness sessions to be conducted on the occasions of the first token distribution;
- Due attention given for the protection against sexual exploitation and harassment, protection of information concerning beneficiaries, security of project staff and beneficiaries, and “do no harm” principles throughout the project implementation;
- Beneficiaries fully informed of the mechanism and procedures for making any claim with regard to the project implementation;
- visit all beneficiaries after each cash distribution for post distribution monitoring
The project is to be implemented with a strict adherence to the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability.