With the Support of Your Voice Organization (YVO) Mid-Year Whole of Afghanistan Assessment (WoAA)

With the Support of Your Voice Organization (YVO)

Mid-Year Whole of Afghanistan Assessment (WoAA)



Endemic poverty and decades of conflict have converged with COVID-19, natural disasters, and political developments in August 2021 to generate disparate needs and vulnerabilities within Afghanistan, with a record of 22.4 million people projected to be in humanitarian need in 2022, according to the Humanitarian Needs Overview. Following the political upheaval and consequent economic crisis in 2021, the rapidity with which humanitarian needs on the ground were anticipated to evolve called for a nationwide multi-sectoral assessment of humanitarian needs to inform programming and prioritization. To that end, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)- led Inter-Cluster Coordination Team (ICCT) implemented the fifth round of the WoAA (the Mid-Year WoAA 2022), facilitated by REACH Initiative (REACH). First conducted in 2018, the assessment, timed with key milestones in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC), aims to provide high quality, representative data to humanitarian decision-makers and implementers on sectoral and intersectoral humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable populations in Afghanistan. For more information, please consult the Mid-Year WoAA 2022 Terms of Reference (ToR)

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