Emergency Relief project for orphan children Final phase

Emergency Relief project for orphan children

Project Summary

Distributing cash for food and providing orphans with moral education and general education.  Orphans’ human rights have been seriously violated and they live in poor living conditions due to loss of their parents (*) and have not received education, moral supports and aid. We work with them closely to provide them with friendly environment and heal their trauma caused by war, and provide them with some cash for their foods to secure their living.  

Project Description

YVO and PVU jointly design the Project, for which PVU will obtain funding. The Project in the field will be implemented by YVO in partnership with PVU.

Orphans are children who lost their parents in Afghanistan. They don’t know the dates of their births, have no birth certificates, have lost every thread of any family networks and celebrate no holidays. Some of them forced to watch as their parents, relatives or friends were or killed.

During the decades of war in Afghanistan, the war brought about not only ruins, poverty and unemployment but also countless orphans. UNICEF estimates the number of orphans around the world at 143 million. Afghanistan alone has 1.6 million

Indeed, Afghan war orphans are subjected to extreme poverty and violence on a daily basis. Their situation is in fact critical, including the situation of child mortality, malnutrition, and forced marriages.



Selection of areas for and setting of “Centers”

Orphan participants selection: the participants will be orphans whose fathers lost their lives.      50 orphans participate in the first six months (1st term) of the activity this time and another 50 orphans participate in the next six months (2nd term). 

Orientation for teachers

Orphans’ “Center Committee: establishment of an orphans’ center committee that will have close contact with the centers and monitor the centers closely. Members of the committee will be from community people.  Their responsibilities will be monitoring the centers and contributing to the center by teaching orphans if they have chances to do so. The establishment of such a committee is good for a sustainable community activity and villagers can feel ownership.

Awareness and general education sessions:

Harmony awareness sessions will be implemented for orphans in the centers.

General educational subjects will taught twice per week for orphans.   

Child protection awareness sessions will implemented for the families of orphans with whom orphans live. 

8. Moral support and physical actions:

Moral support actions will be implemented for orphans’ physical, mental and spiritual growth through art activities and physical activities.   

Cash for fooddistribution: twice for each and every orphan. 

Facilitation for enrollment in schools: Make facilitation to enroll orphans in the governmental schools, if they are out of these schools.

11. Monitoring: Visits and monitoring of the centers will be conducted for proper implementation of the activities.