Emergency Humanitarian Assistance for the Earthquake Affected Households in Herat Province

Provided emergency cash assistance to victims in and around Zindajan District, Herat , Province , where the earthquake damage is severe and aid has yet to reach, to help ensure a minimum living environment :

Project activities :

-Coordination :

YVO conducted a series of coordination and cooperation with the relevant actors throughout the project period. It will involve the line department and officials, local residents, UN and NGO communities and others. Since the situation on the ground often changes in an emergency, coordination will be made with each party as needed to ensure prompt and flexible response

-Selection and assessment of targeted areas :

 the actual assessment conducted at the start of the project, the targeted areas (villages)  decided in and/or around Zindajan District.

-Selection of beneficiary households:

Households eligible for benefits will be selected with priority given to those with high social vulnerability, such as households headed by a disabled person or a woman, and with consideration given to the damage to their houses. In order to maintain transparency and neutrality in the selection of beneficiaries, local staff will visit the affected households to confirm the appropriateness of the selection criteria. In addition, the selection of beneficiaries will be coordinated with government officials to ensure that both eligible and noneligible residents have a sufficient understanding of the project. We will also follow the criteria by the Emergency Earthquake Response Plan, which include households with vulnerable living conditions (shelter), households that have difficulty accessing various services, female-headed households, children, persons with disabilities, and new Internally displaced persons (IDPs), previously displaced persons (including those living in temporary housing), day laborers, persons with no savings or with debts, and persons without support from relatives or the community.

-Token exchange with cash:

Beneficiaries will be informed of the date, time, and location of the token redemption in advance by phone call or message from YVO staff (the venue is expected to be the same as the token distribution). In exchange for the tokens, each household will receive the equivalent of USD170. This is based on guidance provided by the Afghanistan Cash & Voucher Working Group (CVWG), based on the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB), which is the minimum expenditure required per month by a typical household (assuming 7 persons per household) to maintain dignity and protection. In accordance with these guidelines,

The YVO staff check the tokens brought by the beneficiaries against their identification documents (ID cards). The beneficiaries  once again informed that the cash can only be used for items mentioned above.