Youth launches cricket tournament to bring peace in Village

Youth launches cricket tournament to bring peace in Village

The concept of practical conflict transformation at the local level in the district was developed by young people in Khogyani district, who also wished to encourage active tolerance in communities dealing with various types of conflict and violence. (Family issues, for example)

As a result, they carefully introduced the sport of cricket and offered a point of entry for adults, children, and youth.

Today, cricket is a well-liked sport in various neighborhoods. Youth are enthusiastic about having a cricket team, and locals have adopted cricket as the community peace Initiative (CPI).

As a general rule in this game, score more runs than the opponent does by hitting fours and sixes and running between the wickets to win the match.

The participants of the game consist of two teams of 11 players each. At the time of the play, the bowling team had 11. In addition, the batting team has one player on the field.

The team was from two different villages in khogyani districts (Puri Kale Lewaniyan and Shagi) with thousands of viewers who came to the game.

The game is played on the district, which is known as the sports ground, and the ground consists of a flat rectangular shape.

Thousands of youths, children, and elders come to the sport for peace, and everywhere were written YVO/PVU, which means they sponsored the game.

Shagi village team made the target of 111 score in 12 over and puri kala make only 109 therefore, shagi team win the match.

Finally, this sport contribute to peace building and this cirket brings people together and strengthens dialogue between villagers in a sustainable way.

Finally, at the end, the winer team encourage by trophy and medals and community prepared turban and cap (pakol) for YVO staffs.

YVO thanks the villagers for the great initiative congratulated them and encourage them to do more peace related activities for their communities


housands of youths, children, and elders come to the sport for peace, and everywhere is written YVO/PVU, which means they sponsored the game. Shagi village and team made the target of 111 in 12 overs, and Puri Kala made only 109; therefore, Shagi team won the match.

Finally, this sport contributes to peacebuilding, and this circle brings people together and strengthens dialogue between villagers in a sustainable way.

Finally, at the end, the winning team was encouraged by trophies and medals, and the community prepared a turban and cap (pakol) for YVO staff.

YVO thanks the villagers for the great initiative, congratulates them, and encourages them to do more peace-related activities for their communities.



